How to configure the Kéfir I board using xil_project_wz (step by step)

  1. Make sure that the XIL_TOOLS_ICE_DIR environment variable points to the directory where iCEcube2 is installed, for example: export XIL_TOOLS_ICE_DIR=/home/opt/iCEcube2.2016.02

  2. Open a console and change to the xil_project_pap/fpgacores/CapSense/FPGA/kefir_capsense directory included in this distribution.


  3. Select the Kéfir I board in the Projects options:

  4. Press the Add include button and select the capsense library:

  5. Synplify Pro needs to analyze the library before using its content (can't figure out the order). So you must list it before. Select capsense in the Project sources section, then press the Up button:

  6. Now press the Save button, it will create the project file (.xilprj):

  7. Once the project is created the Execute button will be enabled, press it:

  8. After the synthesis we'll obatin something like this::

  9. Press the Quit button to return to the main window.

    Press the Transfer button, the configuration dialog will pop-up.

    Now press the PROM button:
